Entries by developer

Describe the assessment process as related to individuals and families.

Describe the assessment process as related to individuals and families. Briefly identify the types of information it is important to gather. Compare how assessment at the macro level is similar and dissimilar than at the micro level. Explain how you would gather the needed information at the macro level. Identify a situation where a client […]

Psychology Assignment 1

write a role-play that demonstrates engagement skills. You take on the role of the social worker, while a friend, family member, or colleague takes on the role of the client. Although this is a role-play scenario, you should demonstrate your professionalism in demeanor, appearance, and behavior. Please dress professionally, Your role-play should include: A demonstration […]

Motivational Speaker Critique

Motivational Speaker Critique This discussion option requires you to take what you’ve learned from this course and use it to evaluate sources of information about motivation from outside the course. Find an example of a motivational speaker via a video or podcast of your choosing that is at least 12 minutes long. Critique the assertions the speaker […]

Management For Social Development

Management For Social Development Instructions: After studying the module content and suggested resources: Discuss the application of Management for Social Development in the work of development and social change. Format  You must present your writing double-spaced, in Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier New font, with a font size of 12. Include an Introduction, Development of […]

Experiential Learning Activity

Experiential Learning Activity Laugh More, Stress Less Over the next 5 days, seek out situations or activities that make you laugh. Watch funny movies, ask your friends to tell you funny stories (or maybe relate a few of your own!), read humorous articles, or anything else that makes you laugh! Keep a journal of the […]

Applying Big Data Analytics To Quality Assurance

Applying Big Data Analytics To Quality Assurance Consider how big data can impact health care decision making. It is important to note that big data collection must be accurate and done in way that meets needs of the organization. Big data collection is a big task and health care organizations must have the personnel with […]

Learning Theory- Individual Project

Learning Theory- Individual Project Research the work of psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus and his work on memory. He was interested in learning retention. Ebbinghaus wrote about how a significant amount of material can be forgotten within 20 minutes to 1 hour of learning it. Write a brief analysis about his forgetting curve. Identify at least 1 […]

Human Resources- Individual Project

Human Resources- Individual Project After viewing the Week 3 Live Chats and the assigned readings (text and unit resources) on talent management, performance management, and performance appraisal, addresses the following within large organizations and the organization that you chose: Discuss the importance of talent management, including several challenges associated with talent management. What are 3 […]